Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Yes, Trade statistics publications include information on the breakdown of turnover by main products. This information is classified by aggregate levels of products according to the CPA – ...

Statistics Portugal releases aggregate data on exports and imports of services computed within the framework of National Accounts . Detailed information on services is produced and released by Banco ...

The value of imports and exports in statistics on external trade of goods refers to the statistical value, which is the value calculated at the Member States’ national borders. This value only ...

You should make a request for clarification or information indicating reference periods, variables, product codes, or ask the required questions under the following option on the Statistics ...

Under the Statistical data option, Database, you can find the list of indicators available with search boxes by theme, sub-theme, geographical level, and keyword, and sort fields by reference period, ...

Under the Statistical data option, on the Statistical information area of the website’s homepage, you can find the main indicators, main tables, the database, public use data files, territorial ...

You can find further details on the available information as well as its potential by analysing the methodological documentation of statistical operations associated with the ‘domestic ...

Yes. All publications of Statistics Portugal and its predecessors can be found on Statistical information / Digital Library / Digital Archive (only available in Portuguese), from 1864 to 2000. They ...

You can find information on international trade of goods classified according to enterprise characteristics, namely in Products> Database> Theme: International trade > search by keyword: ...

You can analyse aggregate data computed within the scope of national accounts by industry, on the following link, Tables by Industry . ...