Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
Statistics Portugal reserves the right to add or introduce changes in the terms and conditions of use, at any time, without prior notice. Therefore, when accessing the website, you should consult the respective conditions.
Description of the service
Access to the Statistics Portugal’s website is free of charge.

Open data and intellectual property
The copyright of all contents of this website is the property of Statistics Portugal.
The statistical data made available on this website is free of charge and can be used and reused by the users in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY Attribuition 4.0 license provided that the source is acknowledged, as follows:
Source: Instituto Nacional de Estatística – Portugal (Statistics Portugal)
(identification of the statistical information mentioned; reference period of the information)
Users may download or copy documents for personal or commercial use, but Statistics Portugal shall continue to own the respective copyright. Should the user modify the original data, it must be explicitly mentioned.
Any infringement to these rights or non-authorised use of the contents by third parties may lead to proceedings in and/or outside the court of a civil or criminal nature.
Exclusion of liability
Statistics Portugal can never be held liable, either directly or indirectly, for any loss resulting from or in any way related to the use of this website.
Suspension or interruption of the service
Statistics Portugal may at any time interrupt or suspend the service, either temporarily or permanently, without prior notice, but shall nonetheless inform the users of the reasons for suspension, in case it is permanent or if its duration exceeds 24 hours.
Changes to the contents
Statistics Portugal reserves the right to insert, change or remove any information in/from the website, without prior notice, and whatever the cause may be.
Applicable legislation and jurisdiction
These terms and conditions of use shall be governed in accordance with the laws of Portugal. Any disputes arising in relation to the website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Lisbon.
Final provisions
Information contained in these pages corresponds to the activities exercised by Statistics Portugal as at the respective date of publication, and was carefully compiled and checked. However, the possibility of error cannot be excluded.

It is not possible to ensure continuous access to these pages or to linked pages. Every link from these pages is presented for information purposes only. No liability can be accepted for them, or for the information provided therein. A link to a third page does not imply any kind of support to that page, in the same vein as the absence of links to other pages does not mean lack of trust as to the respective contents.