Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
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Indicators Database table
  Indicators Reference period Date of update   Geographical Level(*)    
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Consult associated metadata Distribution of poor resident population (Early series - %) by Tenure status; Annual 2004 2006 30-06-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Activities performed by non-governmental organizations for environment (Series 1998-2006 - No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Type of activity; Annual 1998 2006 20-06-2008   NUTS II   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Non-governmental organizations for environment per 100 000 inhabitants (Series 2001-2006 - No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002); Annual 2001 2006 20-06-2008   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Activities performed by non-governmental organizations for environment (Series 1998-2006 - No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Environmental domain; Annual 1998 2006 20-06-2008   NUTS II   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Members of non-governmental organizations for environment (Series 1998-2006 - No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Institutional sector; Annual 1998 2006 20-06-2008   NUTS II   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Firemen (Series 1998-2006 - No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Type of persons employed; Annual 1998 2006 20-06-2008   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Victims (men) in lawsuits with defendants/ convicted (women) (No.) by Crime lawsuits and Trial stages related to crime; Annual 1992 2006 09-06-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Victims (women) in lawsuits with defendants/ convicted (men) (No.) by Crime lawsuits and Trial stages related to crime; Annual 1992 2006 09-06-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Departures for Spain (Road border - No.) of resident same-day visitors; Monthly January 2004 December 2007 06-06-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Departures for Spain (Road border - No.) of resident same-day visitors by Purpose of journey; Annual 2004 2007 06-06-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Final discharge of debts guaranteed by conventional mortgage and degenerated estates (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Type of building; Annual 2004 2005 06-06-2008   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Final discharge of debts guaranteed by conventional mortgage and degenerated estates (€) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Type of building; Annual 2004 2005 06-06-2008   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Departures (No.) of resident tourists by Place of destination; Monthly January 2004 December 2007 06-06-2008   Country   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Departures (Road border - No.) of resident tourists by Place of destination; Monthly January 2004 December 2007 06-06-2008   Country   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Departures (Road border - No.) of resident tourists by Place of destination and Purpose of journey; Annual 2004 2007 06-06-2008   Country   Login for subscription
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(*) Lower geographic detail level, or equivalent, for which data is available.