Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
  Portuguese National Accounts - ESA2010, base 2016 Portuguese National Accounts - ESA2010, base 2011 Portuguese National Accounts - ESA1995, base 2006  
Benchmark year 2006 (ESA 95)
The Portuguese National Accounts, published in this page, have 2006 as the benchmark year and the European System of National Accounts (ESA 95) as the methodological reference manual.
In September 2014, Statistics Portugal ceased producing National Accounts with 2006 as benchmark year, as it has started to produce a new series of National Accounts, with benchmark year 2011 (ESA 2010). Therefore, the information available in this page has an historical character and does not correspond to the current version of the National Accounts.
To access to the latest information of the National Accounts, in ESA 2010, use this link.
Consult an explanatory document on the calculation of GDP in ESA 95 (only available in Portuguese): “Como se calcula o PIB”.
National Accounts
  Press Releases and Publications
  Net borrowing of the economy decreases. Household saving rate increases.  Net borrowing of the economy decreases. Household saving rate increases. - 1st Quarter 2012 Release date: 29 June 2012
  Year-on-Year change rate of Gross Domestic Product was -2.2% in volume in the 1st quarter  Year-on-Year change rate of Gross Domestic Product was -2.2% in volume in the 1st quarter - 1st Quarter 2012 Release date: 08 June 2012
  Main Aggregates of General Government  Main Aggregates of General Government Release date: 30 March 2012
  Excessive Deficit Procedure  Excessive Deficit Procedure - 2012 Release date: 30 March 2012
  Net borrowing of the economy was 5.1% of GDP  Net borrowing of the economy was 5.1% of GDP - 4th Quarter 2011 Release date: 30 March 2012
  Gross Domestic Product decreased 1.6% in real terms in the year 2011 and 2.8% in the 4th quarter 2011  Gross Domestic Product decreased 1.6% in real terms in the year 2011 and 2.8% in the 4th quarter 2011 - 4th Quarter 2011 Release date: 09 March 2012
  Net borrowing of the economy decreases  Net borrowing of the economy decreases - 3rd Quarter 2011 Release date: 29 December 2011
  Gross Domestic Product diminished 1.7% in real terms   Gross Domestic Product diminished 1.7% in real terms - 3rd Quarter 2011 Release date: 09 December 2011
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