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CSE-Logo   Working Group of Economic and Social Classifications
Chairperson: Arminda Brites
Statistics Portugal
>  Powers:

a. To monitor and approve the analysis of the National Statistical System' s Economic and Social Classifications, in particular classifications with a range of applications, at both the Statistical System and extra-statistical level, namely the Classificação de Actividades Económicas (Classification of Economic Activities), the Classificação de Produção de Bens e Serviços (Classification of the production of good and services), the Classificação do Consumo de Bens e Serviços (Classification of the consumption of goods and services), the Classificação de Profissões (Classification of Occupations), the Classificação das Construções (Classification of constructions), the Classificações sobre Educação e Formação Profissional (education and vocational training Classifications), and the Classificações sobre Saúde (health classifications) among others;
b. To analyse doubts and approve technical proposals for a coordinated implementation of economic and social classifications;
c. To put forward proposals for changes in economic and social classifications at national level;
d. To prepare proposals for changes or harmonisation on EU and UN economic and social classifications;
e. To analyse situations of conflict and ensure greater integration and convergence among economic and social classifications;
f. To monitor, within the scope of the powers of the Statistical Council, works relating to the implementation of the Information System for the Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities. 

>  Composition:

• Statistics Portugal 
• Office for Strategy and Planning (Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity)
• Directorate-General of Economic Activities (Ministry of Economy and Innovation)
• Banco de Portugal
• Institute of Registries and Notaries
• Directorate-General of Taxes
• Directorate-General of Employment and Labour Relations
• Directorate-General for Consumiers
• National Agency for Qualification
• Trade Unions (CGTP)
• Employer's Confederations (CIP)


>  Relevant documents:
>  Sections:

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