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CSE-Logo   Working Group for the Development of Macroeconomic Statistics
>  Powers:

a. To monitor and issue an opinion on works to implement the new Manuals, in particular the new ESA and the 6th edition of the Balance of Payments Manual, with special enphasis on matters requiring greater clarification of methodologies and procedures to be implemented, such as: redefinition of institutional sectors; redefinition and expansion of the goods and capital formation concepts; compilation of additional information on retirement pension costs; extension of the directional principle to fellow enterprises;
b. To monitor the adaptation of sources and methods used in the compilation of national accounts and the balance of payments;
c. To monitor the start of data compilation;
d. To monitor the main methodological developments in the field of macroeconomic statistics;
e. To monitor the mais methodological developments in the HIPC;
f. To develop activities to identify new macroeconomic information requirements, particularly from the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Comission. 

>  Composition:

• Statistics Portugal 
• Banco de Portugal
• Regional Statistical Office of the Azores
• Ministry of Finance
• Office for Strategic Studies of  the Ministry of Economy
• Regional Statistics Directorate of Madeira
• Ministry of Agriculture and Sea
• Academic institutions (or persons of standing) with potential interest in this area, by indication of independent representatives in the Council 

>  Relevant documents:
>  Sections:

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