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CSE-Logo   Working Group for the preparation of the General Guidelines of Official Statistical Activity 2023-2027 [2021 - 2022]
Chairperson: Magda Ribeiro
Statistics Portugal
>  Powers:

a) To submit a preliminary draft project of 'General Guidelines of Official Statistical Activity and relevant priorities for the period 2023-2027' to the Standing Section of Statistical Coordination by 30 June 2022. It shall include assessment of the degree of implementation of the General Guidelines of Official Statistical Activity 2018-2022 (for the 2018-2021 period and also, as possible, for 2022);
b) To participe in said Standing Section's activities on the General Guidelines of Statistical Activity 2023-2027.

>  Composition:

• Statistics Portugal which articulates with entities with delegation of powers which will preside
• Banco de Portugal
• Regional Statistical Office of Azores
• Regional Directorate of Statistics of Madeira
• Portuguese Trade and Services Confederation
• General Workers' Union
• Council Secretariat (for the fields related to the Council's activity)

>  Relevant documents:
>  Sections:

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