> Powers: |
Competences of this Permanent Section for the areas of economic statistics (National Accounts, Regional Accounts, Satellite Accounts, Agriculture, Fisheries, Industry, Trade and Services, International Trade, Tourism, Transport, Communications, Environment, Energy, Enterprises, Monetary, Financial, Foreign Exchange and Balance of Payments): a) Collaborate with the Permanent Section for Statistical Coordination in the preparation of the document “General Lines of Official Statistical Activity”; b) Monitor the production of official statistics, namely by assessing their suitability to the needs of users; c) To pronounce on the adequacy of the technical instruments of statistical coordination to the statistical needs of the referenced areas; d) Propose actions that contribute to promoting the use of administrative acts and other sources, for statistical purposes; e) To analyze the methodologies, concepts and nomenclatures relating to statistics in the areas of its competence and issue the respective recommendation to the Permanent Section for Statistical Coordination; f) Issuing recommendations regarding the preparation of economic statistics, namely National and Regional Accounts, namely the improvement of statistical sources; g) Issue recommendations on Satellite Accounts; h) Monitor, through the national institutional participants, the work of the Committees or Working Groups that operate within the scope of the European Union and the relevant international organizations relating to its area of intervention. |