Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Q2024 - Key Figures

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals
HEALTH expenditure in Portugal

HEALTH expenditure in Portugal
Being child in Portugal

MOTHERS in Portugal
MOTHERS in Portugal

MOTHERS in Portugal
Sustainable Development Goals. Portugal – 2015-2021

Sustainable Development Goals. Portugal – 2015-2021
    Health Expenditure in Portugal

Health Expenditure in Portugal
The ukrainian community in Portugal

    World Music Day - 2021

World Music Day
Census - 2021 - Preliminary Results

Census - 2021 - Preliminary Results
Sustainable Development Goals 2021

Sustainable Development Goals 2021
  Health Expenditure in Portugal

Health Expenditure in Portugal
    Ocean Satellite Account 2016-2018

Ocean Satellite Account 2016-2018
Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals
International Children´s Day - 2020

International Children´s Day - 2020

The life of women and men in Europe - 2019

The life of women and men in Europe


    People on the Move 2019

People on the move 2019
  Social Economy Satellite Account 2016

Social Economy Satellite Account 2016
    Survey on Volunteer Work 2018

Survey on Volunteer Work 2018
Health Expenditure in Portugal

Health Expenditure in Portugal
International Museum Day - 2019

International Museum Day
Mother's Day - 2019

Mother's Day - 2019
Health in Portugal - 2017

Health in Portugal - 2017
World Theater Day - 2019 

World Theater Day - 2019
International Day of Forests - 2019 

International Day of Forests - 2019
Father's Day - 2019 

Father's Day - 2019
Woman In Portugal - 2019 

Woman In Portugal - 2019
  Tourism in Portugal

Tourism in Portugal
Health Expenditure in Portugal - 2017

Health Expenditure in Portugal - 2017
Population  in Portugal - 2017

Population in Portugal - 2017
    Health in Portugal - 2016

Health in Portugal - 2016
Father's Day

Women Day
Women Day

Women Day
Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day
Proportion of people aged 18 to 64 who participated in lifelong learning activities (%)

Proportion of people aged 18 to 64 who participated in lifelong learning activities (%)
The life of women and men in Europe

The life of women and men in Europe
Household Budget Survey

Household Budget Survey
  Population in Portugal

Population in Portugal
    Health Expenditure in Portugal

Health Expenditure in Portugal
International Childrens Day 2017

International Childrens Day 2017
    Happy Mothers Day 2017

Happy Mothers Day 2017
Vital Statistics 2016

Vital Statistics 2016
A Worker’s Profile in Portugal 1998-2016

A Worker’s Profile in Portugal 1998-2016
Health in Portugal 2015

Health in Portugal 2015
National Health Survey 2014

National Health Survey 2014
Material Flow Accounts 2015

Material Flow Accounts 2015
You in the EU

You in the EU
Social Economy Satellite Account 2013

Social Economy Satellite Account 2013
Economic Accounts for Agriculture 1980 - 2016

Economic Accounts for Agriculture 1980 - 2016
Economic Activity - 2015

Economic Activity - 2015
    Current Health Expenditure in Portugal

Current Health Expenditure in Portugal
Air emissions accounts 1995 – 2014

Air emissions accounts 1991 – 2014
Quality of life

Quality of life
Young Europeans

Young Europeans
    Economic trends

Economic trends