Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
Quality chart

Statistics Portugal’s “Quality Chart” formalizes its public commitment to provide society with quality and reliable official statistics produced and disseminated bearing in mind the public service it provides, more so in relation to respondents, users of statistical information and to the public in general.

In its 2019 version, Statistics Portugal’s Quality Chart is focused on: i) reviewing the Mission and Vision statements, having 2022 as the time horizon; ii) reviewing the Values, in line with the 2017 edition of the European Statistics Code of Practice and (iii) strengthening the commitments, in line with the strategy that will mark its activity in the coming years, in particular in regard to innovation challenges, particularly in relation to the following areas:
  • Information security;
  • Relation with respondents;
  • Relation with statistical information users;
  • Revisions policy;
  • Data dissemination practices;
  • Accessibility of statistical products and other dissemination products;
  • Tailor-made responses to specific user requests and general user support;
  • Welcoming procedures for visitors to Statistics Portugals premises;
  • Management of users’ suggestions and complaints;
  • Users’ satisfaction and evaluation activities;
  • Management of human resources;
  • Cooperation with external entities.
2019, 5th edition