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Logotipo CSE  Standing Section of Statistical Coordination

Vice-Chairperson:  Augusto Elavai

>  Powers:
Preparing the document “Linhas Gerais da Atividade Estatística Oficial” (General Guidelines of Official Statistical Activity), defining the relevant priorities and monitoring them on an annual basis, to be submitted at a plenary session of the Council;
Preparing the "Situation Assessment Report of the NSS", to be submitted at a plenary session of the Council before expiry of the term of office of its members;
Assessing the Statistical Activity Plan and Budget of statistical authorities and the respective implementation report, to be submitted at a plenary session of the Council;
Monitoring the preparation of the Statistical Council' s Business Plan and the respective implementation report, to be approved by the Council' s plenary session; 
Defining, in the context of the Statistical Activity Plan, official statistical operations of national scope and those solely in the interest of the Autonomous Regions, as well as official statistics associated with the provision of a public service, upon proposal of statistical authorities;
Monitoring the implementation of the Business Plan referred to in paragraphs c) and d);
Ensuring respect for the NSS key principles, with the exception of statistical confidentiality;
Approving the technical tools for statistical coordination required to be applied in the production of official statistics, with the possibility of proposing to the Government extending its imperative use to general government;
Issuing recommendations that contribute to foster maximum use of administrative data for statistical purposes, namely through the use of technical tools for statistical coordination;
Approving and regulating prior registration rules for the statistical authorities and for other data collection devices that may be used for statistical purposes;
Examining proposals for the delegation of powers of Statistics Portugal to other entities for the production and dissemination of official statistics, to be submitted at a plenary session of the Council;
Analysing and issuing an opinion on draft decree-laws setting up statistical services or incorporating any rules that focus on the structure and operating procedures of the NSS, pursuant to Article 14 of the National Statistical System' s Law;
Monitoring, through national institutional participants, the activities of Committees or Working Groups operating within the European Union and the relevant international bodies regarding its scope of action;
Monitoring issues related to international statistical cooperation and NSS human resources training.
To assess Reports and supervise Working Group Monitoring Plans in place within the Section.  
>  Composition:

permanent members:

Statistics Portugal
Banco de Portugal
Government representation in the field of economy
Government representation in the field of finances
Government representation in the fields of agriculture, forests and rural development
Government representation in the field of health
Prime Minister' s Office
Regional Statistical Office of Azores
Regional Directorate of Statistics of Madeira
Central trade union organisations (one representative to be appointed by agreement between the organisations represented in Council)
Employers' confederations (one representative to be appointed by agreement between the organisations represented in Council)
Entities with delegated powers

for the exercice of the powers set forth in paragraph 2.l) (Deliberation No 27, Annex B):

Portuguese Data Protection Authority (CNPD)
Entities whose business areas the document under analysis refers to, provided they are represented in the Council
>  Relevant Documents:
Deliberation No 47 - plenary: composition
>  Working Groups:
Working Group on Economic and Social Classifications 
Working Group for the creation of a single units file for the NSS

Task-Force to analyse the concepts for statistical purposes on Economy and Finance 
Working Group for the preparation of the General Guidelines of the National Statistical System 2018-2022 

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