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Conselho Superior de Estatística

National Statistical System Evaluation Report 2021-2023


Reporting model of monitoring indicators of compliance with the fundamental principles of Law contained in NSS - 2023


Annual Report of the Statistical System 2023


Work Program of the National Statistical System 2024


Monitoring of Compliance of Statistical Authorities with Key Principles of the National Statistical System - 2022


National Statistical System Activity Report 2022 and, assessment of the degree of of implementation of the General Guidelines for Official Statistical Activity 2018-2022


Work Program of the National Statistical System 2023


General Guidelines of Official Statistical Activity 2023-2027


Reporting model of monitoring indicators of compliance with the fundamental principles of Law contained in NSS - 2021


Annual Report of the Statistical System 2021


Activity Plan for the National Statistical System 2022


Reporting model of monitoring indicators of compliance with the fundamental principles of Law contained in NSS - 2020


Annual Report of the Statistical System 2020


Work Program of the National Statistical System - 2021


Reporting model of monitoring indicators of compliance with the fundamental principles of Law contained in NSS


Annual Report of the Statistical System 2019


National Statistical System Assessment Report 2017-2019


Work Program of the National Statistical System - 2020


Annual report of the National Statistical System 2018


Work Program of the National Statistical System - 2019


Annual report of the National Statistical System 2017 and assessment of the implementation of the General Statistics Activity Official Lines 2013-2017


Work Program of the National Statistical System - 2018


General Guidelines of Official Statistical Activity 2018-2022

Annual report of the National Statistical System 2016
Work Program of the National Statistical System - 2017
Annual report of the National Statistical System 2015
Work Program of the National Statistical System - 2016

NSS assessment report 2012-2015

Annual report of the National Statistical System 2014
Work Program of the National Statistical System - 2015
Annual reports of the National Statistical System - 2013
Official statistics on non-financial companies
Work Program of the National Statistical System - 2014
Revisions Policy of the statistics of Banco de Portugal
Annual reports of the National Statistical System - 2012
Work Program of the National Statistical System - 2013
General Guidelines of the Official Statistical Activity 2013-2017
Annual reports of the National Statistical System - 2011
Delegation of powers of Statistics Portugal in Direção-Geral de Estatísticas da Educação e Ciência (Ministry of Education and Science) for the production and dissemination of official statistics
Work Program of the National Statistical System - 2012
State of the art of the National Statistical System 2008-2011

Monitoring the Work Program of the Statistical Authorities - 1st quarter 2011

Report of the National Statistical System - 2010
Work Programs of the Statistical Authorities and summary for the National Statistical System -2011
Work Program of the Statistical Council - 2011
Reports of Statistical Activity of the Statistical Authorities - 2009
Report of the Statistical Council  - 2009

Delegation of powers by Statistics Portugal for the production and dissemination of Official Statistics in the Directorate General for Justice Policy of the Ministry of Justice

Work Program of the Statistical Authorities and summary for the National Statistical System 2010
Delegation of powers of Statistics Portugal in the Gabinete de Estratégia e Planeamento do Ministério do Trabalho e Solidariedade Social for the production and dissemination of official statistics
Work Program of the Statistical Council - 2010
Delegation of powers of Statistics Portugal in five entities for the production and dissemination of official statistics
Revisions Policy of Statistics Portugal
State of the art of the National Statistical System - June 2009
On the Annual Report of Statistics Portugal and of other entities intervening in national statistical production 2008
On the Annual Report of the Statistical Council 2007
Definition of the model preparation and drafting of the Plan of Activities (2010 and following years) and the implementation report to the National Statistical System
Work Programs of the Statistical Authorities – 2009
Work Program of the Statistical Council – 2009
Delegation of powers of Statistics Portugal

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