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Consumer confidence indicator decreases very slightly and economic climate indicator increases
Business and consumer surveys
Consumer confidence indicator decreases very slightly and economic climate indicator increases - November 2022
29 November 2022


The Consumer confidence indicator decrease between September and November , very slightly in the last month, reaching a value close to that recorded in April 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic. The balance of Consumer opinions on the past evolution of the price level decreased in November, after having renewed the maximum value of the series in October, following the markedly upward trajectory started in March 2021.

The economic climate indicator  increased in November, after decreasing between August and October. The confidence indicators of the Manufacturing Industry, Construction and Public Works, Trade and Services increased compared to September.

The entrepreneurs’ expectations regarding the future evolution of selling prices decreased in Manufacturing Industry, in Trade and, slightly, in Construction and Public Works, while in Services this balance increased, although remaining at a level below the maximum of the recorded series in April.

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