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Conselho Superior de Estatística

Action Plan of the restricted Session for the revision of the "Tipology of Urban Areas"

Approval of an Action Plan aimed at meeting the deadlines for the dissemination of portuguese statistics
Institutional articulation about CAE
Development of an action plan aimed at meeting the dealines for the dissemination of portuguese statistics
Creation of a Task Force to update concepts for statistical purposes of the thematic areas of "Housing, Construction and Public Works"
Methodological study for the calculation of complete Life Tables for Portugal
Approval of the Ad-Hoc Section´s Work Program
The observation of the "Marital Status" in the 2011 Censuses
Definition of mandate, composition and deadlines for the presentation of documents of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas do Mercado de Trabalho (Working Group on Labour Market Statistics)
Approval of changes to the functioning of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Educação e Formação (Working Group on Education and Training statistics); redefinition of mandate, composition and deadlines for the presentation of documents
Appraisal of the Progress Report submitted by the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Cultura (Working Group on Culture Statistics); redefinition of the WG composition
Approval of the report of the Restricted Session for the creation of a Territorial Base Indicator System for Monitoring and Evaluating the Regional Impact of Public Policies
Monitoring the progress of the recommendations of the Working Group on Agriculture and Fishery Statistics
Approval of changes to the composition of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas do Turismo (Working Group on Tourism Statistics)
Approval of the Annual Reports for the years 2004 and 2005 of the Grupo de Trabalho para Acompanhamento das Estatísticas da Sociedade de Informação (Working group for monitoring information society statistics); update of the composition and mandate of the Working Group
Appraisal of the Report of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Contas Nacionais e Regionais (Working group on national and regional accounts); issue of recommendations
Approval of changes to the mandates and compositions of Working Groups within the macroeconomic statistics area (2006 version)
Issue of an opinion on the study of possible implications of changes introduced within the scope of the "Intrastat System"
Creation of a Task Force to update, for statistical purposes, concepts of the thematic area of “Energy” – composition and mandate
Approval of the Work Programme of the Restricted Session for the creation of a Territorial Base Indicator System for Monitoring and Evaluating the Regional Impact of Public Policies
Approval of changes to the functioning of the existing Working Groups; redefinition of mandates, compositions and deadlines for the presentation of documents. Extinction of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Demografia (Working Group on Demographic statistics); creation of a Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas do Mercado de Trabalho (Working Group on Labour Market Statistics)
Favourable appraisal of the Report submitted by the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Demografia (Working Group on Demographic Statistics) (Migration area) and approval of the respective recommendations
Favourable appraisal of the 1st Report of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Agricultura e Pescas (Working Group on agriculture and fishery statistics) and of a set of recommendations submitted therein; issue of recommendations
Approval of changes to the functioning of the existing Working Groups (2006 version); redefinition of mandates, composition and deadlines for the submission of documents. Extinction of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas das Comunicações (Working Groups on Communications Statistics)
Definition of the programme and schedule of preparatory works for the recast of the legal system governing the National Statistical System; identification of key issues for the preparation of the comparative review of legislation
Creation of a Grupo de Trabalho para a Constituição de um Ficheiro de Unidades Estatísticas do Sistema Estatístico Nacional (Working group for the preparation of the statistical unit file of the national statistical system; Portuguese acronym: FUE/SEN) – powers and mandate
Appraisal of the “Diagnosis of the Territorial Base Statistical Data System” presented by Statistics Portugal – approval of conclusions and definition of future work
Definition of procedures to be adopted by some Working Groups in the demographic and social, household and environment areas; extinction of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Justiça (Working Group on Justice Statistics)
Appraisal of the Reports submitted by the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas do Trabalho, Acidentes de Trabalho e Doenças Profissionais (Working Group on Labour, Occupational Diseases and Occupational Accidents Statistics) (Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases Statistics); issue of recommendations in these areas
Approval of the 3rd Report of the Grupo de Trabalho para Acompanhamento das Estatísticas da Sociedade de Informação (Working group for monitoring information society statistics)
Approval of the final Report submitted by the Grupo de Trabalho para análise do "ramo construção" (Working group for the analysis of the "construction branch") in the Portuguese National Accounts System and of the recommendations included therein
Issue of recommendations to Statistics Portugal on the methodology and information used in the preparation of Quarterly National Accounts
Examination and approval of recommendations on the quality of the 2002 intra-Community trade statistics, in line with the submission of the Report of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas das Relações Económicas com o Exterior (Working group on international economic relations statistics)
Approval of changes to the composition and mandate of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Cultura (Working group on culture statistics)
Approval of changes to the composition and name of the Working Groups in the demographic and social areas (Grupo de Trabalho da Educação e Formação (Working group on education and training); Grupo de Trabalho para Acompanhamento do Inquérito ao Emprego/Série 98 (Working group for monitoring the employment survey/1998 series)
Creation of an integrated system of criminal rating, following a Report submitted by the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Justiça (Working group on justice statistics)
Approval of four reports submitted in July 2003 by the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Contas Nacionais e Regionais (Working group on national and regional accounts); issue of recommendations
Approval of the interim Report of the Grupo de Trabalho para análise do "ramo construção" (Working Group for the analysis of the "construction branch") in the Portuguese National Accounts System
Creation of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas das Comunicações (Working group on communications statistics) and the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Agricultura e Pescas (Working group on agriculture and fishery statistics); changes to the composition of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas dos Transportes (Working group on transport statistics)
Favourable appraisal of the Report of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Demografia (Working group on demographic statistics); redefinition of the mandate and composition of the Working Group
Generally favourable appraisal of the 2nd Report of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas do Trabalho, Acidentes de Trabalho e Doenças Profissionais (Working Group on labour, occupational diseases and occupational accidents statistics) (Occupational accidents statistics); redefinition of the mandate and composition of the Working Group
Approval of changes to the mandate, composition and name of the Grupo de Trabalho para Acompanhamento da Utilização da Classificação Nacional das Profissões/94 (Working group for monitoring the use of the national classification of occupations/94) (to be renamed as Grupo de Trabalho para a Classificação Nacional das Profissões (Working group for the national classification of occupations)
Comments by the Grupo de Trabalho da CAE-Rev. 2 e Nomenclaturas Relacionadas (Working group of CAE-Rev. 2 and related nomenclatures) on the proposed changes to CAE Rev. 2. 1 submitted by the Ministry of Cities, Spatial Planning and Environment
Approval of changes to the composition of the Grupo de Trabalho para Acompanhamento das Estatísticas da Sociedade de Informação (Working group for monitoring information society statistics)
Approval of the 2nd Report of the Grupo de Trabalho para Acompanhamento das Estatísticas da Sociedade de Informação (Working group for monitoring information society statistics)
Favourable appraisal of the Report of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas dos Transportes (Working group on transport statistics)
Favourable appraisal of the Report of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas do Comércio Interno e Outros Serviços (Working group on domestic trade and other services statistics) (June 2001) and approval of the recommendations included therein
Approval of updates to the mandate and composition of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Contas Nacionais Portuguesas (Working group on Portuguese national accounts)
Approval of changes to the functioning of the existing Working Groups; redefinition of mandates, compositions and deadlines for the submission of documents. Extinction of the Working Groups on transports and communications statistics, on external trade, on industry and on agriculture, livestock and fisheries. Creation of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas dos Transportes (Working group on transport statistics)
Approval of changes to the mandate and composition of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Justiça (Working group on justice statistics)
Favourable appraisal of the Report of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas do Trabalho, Acidentes de Trabalho e Doenças Profissionais (Working group on labour, occupational diseases and occupational accidents statistics) (Labour statistics)
Approval of the recommendation on the calculation of monthly international trade indices and the relevant methodology submitted by the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas das Relações Económicas com o Exterior (Working group on international economic relations statistics)
Approval of the recommendation on the calculation of international trade indices by Statistics Portugal, submitted by the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas das Relações Económicas com o Exterior (Working group on international economic relations statistics)
Approval of the Report of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas Monetárias e Financeiras (Working group on monetary and financial statistics) on the production of pension fund statistics and relevant findings
Approval of the extension of the mandate of the Grupo de Trabalho para análise do "ramo construção" (Working group for the analysis of the "construction branch") in the Portuguese National Accounts System
Examination and approval of the 1st Report of the Grupo de Trabalho para Acompanhamento das Estatísticas da Sociedade de Informação (Working Group for monitoring information society statistics)
Creation of a Grupo de Trabalho para análise do "ramo construção" (Working group for the analysis of the "construction branch") in the Portuguese National Accounts System
Approval of recommendations submitted in a Report that examines aspects related to the Master Sample and to the sample of the Employment Survey (1992 and 1998 Series)
Issue of a favourable opinion on draft amendments to Law No 6/89 of 15 April on “statistical confidentiality” and directly or indirectly related aspects, submitted by the Working Group for the examination of and comments on the current rules of the Institute of Statistical Confidentiality
Approval of the procedures for updating the "Concepts for statistical purposes" approved by the Section, in thematic areas where no Working Groups are in operation
Creation of Working Groups in the demographic, social, household and environment areas; definition of mandates and compositions
Approval of the Report submitted by the Working Group for the examination of and comments on the current rules of the Institute of Statistical Confidentiality and of the findings presented therein; redefinition of the mandate
Change to the composition of the Grupo de Trabalho para Acompanhamento do Inquérito ao Emprego/Série 98 (Working group for monitoring the employment survey/1998 series)
Creation of a Working Group for the examination of and comments on the current rules of the Institute of Statistical Confidentiality
Creation of a Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas das Relações Económicas com o Exterior (Working group on international economic relations statistics)
Creation of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Contas Nacionais e Regionais (Working group on national and regional accounts)
Approval of changes to the composition and mandate of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas Monetárias e Financeiras (Working group on monetary and financial statistics)
Issue of an opinion on data reporting for monetary and financial statistics compiled by Banco de Portugal
Creation of the Grupo de Trabalho para Acompanhamento do Inquérito ao Emprego/Série 98 (Working group for monitoring the employment survey/1998 series)
Favourable appraisal of the Report of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Saúde (Working group on health statistics) and approval of the recommendations submitted therein
Approval of the operational model (mandate and composition) of Working Groups created within the scope of statistical coordination: Grupo de Trabalho da CAE-Rev. 2 e Nomenclaturas Relacionadas (Working group of the Portuguese classification of economic activities – Rev. 2 and related nomenclatures) and the Grupo de Trabalho para Acompanhamento da Classificação Nacional das Profissões/94 (Working group for monitoring the national classification of occupations /94)

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